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The Kings In Your Life

The King of Pentacles

I pull a card everyday to become more in-tuned during my day, and to develop a more personal relationship with my cards.

The "King of Pentacles " is what I pulled today, he's an earth sign (Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo,). He can represent women to, its just a personality type. King of pentacles, is a man/ woman that enjoys material comforts, money, food, luxury, warm cozy house, sex, children. He's a family person, even-though he may spend a lot of time at work, but he just wants the best for him and his family.

When I pulled the King....

I was spending time with my man, and youngest son. My son is only one year old, but you can already see his temperament. Which is very mild or "level headed" he doesn't really fuss unless he's hungry (he likes his food).

My mate , is a Sagittarius on the cusp of Capricorn, he can act like a Capricorn sometimes. But he is a representation of the King of Pentacles. Generous man, takes care of his family in many ways, loves being a dad and husband. He gives me comfort and makes me feel protected. He loves to cook and eat home cooked meals, and enjoys the simple pleasures in life, but does appreciate luxuries whenever possible.

When The King Comes Up In Your Spread

This is describing you or a stable partner in your life. Another way to look at this card is for career success or wealth. He can come up showing you, how far determination and persistence can get you.

Try This deck out!

Buy this deck to practice with, see what kings pop up for you!

King of Pentacles....

in love..

A strong stable partner, or a man concerned with his money and career. Depending on what cards are surrounding him.


Success in business or work. Also, this can be advice on what is needed for success,, ambition, work ethic, determination and vision.


Personalities of love ones or the stability of your home life.

Today the " King of Pentacles " reminded me of my family, the men in my life and their personalities. What's your experience with the King?

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